Firstly, thank you for allowing me to guide you on this journey of coming back home to your authentic self.
There are so many reasons to be here. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed, by the day-to-day hustle of life, the grind, supporting others and yourself. You may have experienced a loss, going through a change or transition or in a very low or anxious place in your life. Or perhaps you’re going pretty well overall, but would love to learn more about how your body works and to support yourself and those you love even better.
Whatever the reason, I’m here.
If only we could make all those stressors go away with a few deep breaths. If only we could eliminate grief, struggle and challenge with a few ‘oms’. Some days it can feel so big, so much, that we don’t know where to start.
Just like you, I am a human who experiences stress. I would even say I can be a ‘stress head’ in certain periods of my life. We learn stress. We learn to worry. These patterns live in our nervous systems. Those repetitive thoughts have become beliefs- about ourselves and the world around us. They tell us that ‘we can’t’, that ‘we’re not good enough’ that we will fail. That it’s too hard and we just want to quit and get away from it all.
I’m not proposing that we ignore these stressors and effectively gas-light ourselves with false positivity. If that’s what you’re feeling, let it be there. Witness it, acknowledge it, hold it tenderly. Then when you’re ready, dust yourself off and take the next step in the right direction. Just one to start with.
Managing stress is not always about feeling amazing all the time. To me, it’s about noticing when you’re out of alignment, stressed and burdened and deciding to come back home to yourself. If we can learn stress, then we can learn to de-stress. It’s finding the pathway between those two places that we will be focusing on. What activities will actually help in the moment. What strategies will support you and your family daily so you are keeping that ‘road home’ to calm, joy and ease open.
Let’s go there together.
Dr Liana xx
What you will need…
The Reset begins on Sunday 1st December, welcoming you into a new month and a new opportunity for growth and transformation.
You will need over the next few days some-
Time. Ideally 10-15 minutes first thing in the morning. I encourage you to get up earlier to do the activities, it will make a phenomenal difference to your mindset for the whole day. If this is not practical for family or whatever reasons, have a look at what is on over these 10 days and see when in your day you can carve out some time for yourself. I have designed the activities with family and kid options so include them as well!
Journal. I will include some journal prompts along the way and if you’d love to use this opportunity to kick-start or reboot your own journaling practice then go for it!
Some special items. For your mindfulness practice and to create a cosy space for yourself. Cushions, essential oils, a candle and your favourite calming beverage (herbal tea, cacao etc.)
Your Intention. You will get out of this reset exactly what you intend to, no more and no less. Set an intention (below) and keep coming back to it, everyday and all day until you hold it in your mind and heart to be true.
Bonus Content- now with additional bonus videos with cutting edge science which has the opportunity to transform your families health. You don’t want to miss these!
Set an intention…
Create an intention for the outcome you would like to achieve by the end of these 10 days.
See it in your minds eye. Take a moment now. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and settle in. Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel after completing this reset”, wait and see what thoughts, images and feelings come.
Now tap into those feelings, in this moment. It could be a feeling of joy, ease or connection. Feelings of strength or capability. Feeling love towards yourself. Feeling peace.
This will be the ‘home’ you return to. This is where you want to live, where you want to be. This is a version of yourself that already exists.
Then take action…
Write down your intention. Put it up somewhere you will see it multiple times a day. In the bathroom mirror, in the car, next to your kettle. Ideally somewhere you can read it before your morning meditation, next to your bed or in a special cosy nook for you.Share your intention.
Share your intention with a friend or family member. You can also reply to my email with your intention (only I will be reading it). Making it official and declaring it to others makes it true and brings its manifested energy out of our minds and into the world.
Your daily email will arrive in your inbox first thing in the morning each day of the reset from 1st December.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or need more support.
You’ve got this!
-Dr Liana