Loving Compassion
When we are stressed or overwhelmed it is easy to become intolerant, impatient and even self-centered. When you are in fight-flight mode you are less likely to be gracious with others flaws and this can bring out the worst in us.
Deciding to live with compassion and empathy towards others leads to a more heart-filled life. It doesn’t mean we don’t have boundaries or we don’t speak up for ourselves when necessary. But we can recognise that just like us, people make mistakes, and we would love to extend them the same grace and forgiveness we would want for ourselves.
Often things we find most triggering in others is that which we struggle with ourselves. It’s an interesting question to ask yourself. Can I be impatient too? Can I be messy too? When you notice that judgemental response triggered within yourself, get into the habit of saying, ‘just like me they (insert triggering behaviour)’. It can be very healing and automatically initiates feelings of grace.
Today’s Activity:
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness meditation has shown to increase vagus tone as measured by heart rate variability. All meditations don’t always create these changes, but meditations where the meditators felt happier and more socially connected afterwards had the best results.
The principle of the Loving Kindness Meditation involves the basic phrase;
‘May I (you) be well. May I (you) be happy. May my (your) heart be open and filled with loving kindness. May I (you) enjoy true peace in my (your) life.’
Then you wish the same to someone you love, someone you feel neutral about, and someone you feel negatively about.
The Insight Timer app is a great free resource with many beautiful Loving-Kindness meditations. Here is one that lasts 15minutes.
Loving Kindness Meditation- Insight Timer
Here is a children’s version of the Loving Kindness Meditation;
Loving Kindness Meditation for Kids- Insight Timer
Bonus Tip…
Qi Gong
Qi Gong is a beautiful, mindful movement practice which has been shown to increase HRV and vagus activation.
This free YouTube channel YOQI has some of my favourite practices.
This one is 17 minutes long.